The birds just love the little bird bath in our backyard. This Red-winged Blackbird was enjoying himself immensely as he dunked up and down and splashed around. (Click on blog link to see other image.)
I never knew that Red-winged Blackbirds were backyard birds, but we have a few this summer who hang out here quite a bit. I’m loving it!
There is never a dull moment in our yard here on Cape Cod! When we saw the Box Turtle lay her eggs the other day, we thought that was really cool. Then yesterday we had a Diamondback Turtle just walk through our yard. It was so awesome!
“The Diamondback Terrapin is a species of turtle native to the brackish coastal tidal marshes of the eastern and southern United States. The common name refers to the diamond pattern on top of its shell. Adult Diamondback Terrapins mate in the early spring, and clutches of 4-22 eggs are laid in the sand dunes in the early summer. They hatch in the late summer or early fall.” We wondered if this one had come by to find a place to lay her eggs. We did not see that happen.
Diamondback Terrapin are classified as Near Threatened, so care is taken to make sure they can make it. If you see one on the side of the road, you are supposed to pick it up and help it get to the other side. If it is near the salt marsh and there is a wire fence by the road, put it over the fence closer to the marsh. This will ensure that they won’t get run over by other cars.
I posted the 2nd photograph so you can see the distinct coloring on the underside. He was resting in the shade of a rock in our back yard.
As soon as I see the Crown Vetch wildflowers, I know that summer is really here! I saw these in the parking lot at the Visitors Center in Eastham and also in the parking lot at Coast Guard Beach.
Crown Vetch, a creeping plant, has bi-colored, golf ball size flowers that grow in clusters at the end of stalks. They make lovely ground cover and are often planted to restore nutrients , especially nitrogen, to the soil. They grow on roadsides (or parking lots) from June to August, so you have plenty of time to see them.
Phil and I were sitting on a bench by Rock Harbor, enjoying the spectacular day and the gorgeous views. Right in front of us, an American Painted Lady butterfly landed on a yellow flower. I clicked away thinking it was a Painted Lady butterfly. (Click on Blog link to see other photo.)
It wasn’t until I got home and looked at it on my computer that I realized it was an American Painted Lady. You can tell the difference by the 2 blue spots on each of its hind wings. You can see them inthe fist photograph. Very pretty.
The 2nd photograph shows you the distinct difference in its upper side and underside. Quite a bit of camouflage when its wings are closed!
Have you ever seen an American Painted Lady butterfly?