Tag Archives: Cape Cod National Seashore

Cape Cod National Seashore Ranger Station At Race Point.

“The Race Point Ranger Station on the Atlantic Ocean on Cape Cod National Seashore near Provincetown” is located near the Race Point Beach parking lot. It is open seasonally for permits and information that you might need.


Beautiful Reflection On The Nauset Marsh Trail On Cape Cod.

I have walked by this little pond on the Nauset Marsh Trail hundreds of times and rarely stop to admire the view here. This reflection on the pond was so pretty with the clouds… wow!

Have you ever stopped by this little pond?

New Dunes At Coast Guard Beach On Cape Cod.

When we walked down Coast Guard Beach a few weeks ago, there was a small dune stretching part way down the beach. It was maybe 1-2 feet high and not very long. (Click on blog ink for other photo.)

Last week when we walked the beach, the dune had grown in height and length. It was almost 6 feet high and stretched quite a ways down the beach to the spit.

Have you walked Coast Guard Beach lately?

Spectacular Morning At Coast Guard Beach On Cape Cod.

This was the perfect morning to take a walk on Coast Guard Beach. It was chilly but there was no wind and absolutely gorgeous!

The clouds were spectacular and the shore birds and seals were plentiful as we walked along the shore.

It was one of those “pinch me” days!