I’ve seen this small, yellow wildflower on the side of the roads and also by the parking lot at Coast Guard Beach, but have been unable to identify it. The flowers are about 1/2 inch and the plant is about a foot high.
This is the first of many, hopefully, Red Admiral butterflies that we will see here on Cape Cod this summer. They are usually very abundant here on Cape Cod.
It was such a treat to see this beautiful Summer Tanager at our bird feeder the other morning. We’ve only seen one in our yard a couple of years ago and it then only stayed for a few minutes. This Summer Tanager stayed for three days.
I wonder where he goes for the rest of the summer? Gorgeous bird, don’t you think?
Many thanks to Stephanie, Executive Director at Wild Care, for correctly identifying this as a Summer Tanager. Thank you, Stephanie!
There are a couple of trails through the dunes at Coast Guard Beach where you can walk to the salt marsh and follow it out to Nauset Spit and then to the ocean. It is a really pretty walk. We frequently do it in reverse… we will walk down the beach to Nauset Spit and then pick up the trail by the salt marsh on the way back. There is always something new to see.
I loved the clouds in this photograph. What do you think?
Any day is a perfect day for a picnic on Cape Cod! Just find that perfect bench or picnic table and you’re all set! There certainly are enough to choose from… and the views are spectacular!
Cape Cod daily articles on the wonderful Cape Cod places to hike, experience and photograph. A Cape Cod Outdoor Adventure Series.