Tag Archives: Featured

Full House At Our Bluebird Feeders On Cape Cod.

It was so cold last week that the Bluebirds, and all of the other birds in our yard, couldn’t get enough to eat. I was filling our Bluebird mealworm feeders 3 times a day.

I loved this photograph with the 4 Bluebirds chowing down while 3 others sat on top patiently waiting their turn.

Adorable, don’t you think?

Gorgeous Views From Marconi Wireless Station In Wellfleet On Cape Cod.

The views from the Marconi  Wireless Station in South Wellfleet are just spectacular!

“The Marconi Wireless Station Site in South Wellfleet, Massachusetts is the site of the first transatlantic wireless communication between the United States and Europe, on January 18, 1903.  At this location, now in the Cape Cod National Seashore, inventor Guglielmo Marconi erected a large antenna array on four 210-foot (64 m) wooden towers, and established a transmitting station powered by kerosene engines that produced the 25,000 volts of electricity needed to send signals to a similar station in Poldhu, Cornwall, United Kingdom.”

Not only is the history amazing, but the views are equally amazing!

Hiking The John Kenrick Woods Trail On Cape Cod Using The AllTrails App.

The John Kendrick Woods Trail in Orleans was a huge surprise hiking through the beautiful pine forest. You can make a short loop and get a little bit of elevation gain which is always fun here on Cape Cod. (You can see a full map at the end of the blog.)  If you take the 2nd loop you cross a road to get to Arey’s Pond where you can sit and relax in the bench overlooking the river.

Another really pretty hike which you can get on the AllTrails App along with many photographs which is great for the whole family.

Nauset Beach On Cape Cod Is Changing With Lots Of New Sand!

Nauset Beach, a very popular beach in Orleans and part of the National Seashore, got hit by two huge Nor’easters last winter and lost Liam’s, its famous Clam Shack as well as a huge amount of dune sand.

They have brought in an unbelievable amount of sand this past month to build up the dunes. You can see the new sand, as it’s a much lighter color than the original sand. With the new sand, the dunes are now 15-20 feet high. You can also see where they have put in some fences and planted some beach grass, hoping to contain the dunes. We’ve been lucky so far this winter. I’m sure everyone has their fingers crossed.

Gorgeous beach, don’t you think? Have you ever been to Nauset Beach?

Treasures On White Cedar Swamp Trail On Cape Cod

It is so cool to see all of the green “moss” on the White Cedar Swamp Trail in the middle of winter. You don’t expect to see anything green or growing at this time of the year.

I took a macro so you could see it closer. The plants are only about an inch tall. Does anyone know what kind of moss or plant this is?