White Garlic Mustard Wildflowers Are Growing On Cape Cod.

The Garlic Mustard wildflowers are growing all over Cape Cod. They look like a delicate, little wildflower with four 1/4″ white petals and 4 light green sepals, but when you research them, they are an invasive weed.

“Garlic mustard is an invasive non-native biennial herb that spreads by seed. Although edible for people, it is not eaten by local wildlife or insects. It is difficult to control once it has reached a site.  It grows 2-3 (up to 6) feet tall. Lower leaves are kidney-shaped with scalloped edges. This weed spreads by seed and can self-pollinate, helping it rapidly displace native plants along trails, in forests, and on riverbanks, among other areas.”

So, although it looks pretty, they are very invasive to native vegetation.

The Russet And Black Orchard Orioles Are Also Back On Cape Cod!

Also arriving on the same rainy day as the Baltimore Orioles was the Orchard Oriole. At first I thought it was just a darker Baltimore Oriole but when I did a little research, it was definitely an Orchard Oriole. What a treat! Two different species of Orioles at our feeder on the same day! (Click on link for another photograph.)

Orchard Oriole “adult males are black above and rich reddish-chestnut below. They have a black head and throat, with a reddish-chestnut patch at the bend of the wing. Females are greenish yellow with two white wing bars and no black. Immature males look like females, but have black around the bill and throat.”

You can see the difference between the two Orioles by scrolling back to Sunday’s post.

It’s amazing how a pouring rain Sunday can turn into such an awesome day!

Cape Cod daily articles on the wonderful Cape Cod places to hike, experience and photograph. A Cape Cod Outdoor Adventure Series.