Tag Archives: Cape Cod

Japanese Knotweed Growing Profusely On Cape Cod

This is the time of year when the Japanese Knotweed is growing all over Cape Cod, and elsewhere. It grows densely to 6 feet tall with tiny, white flowers in 3″ spreading clusters.  The leaves are heart-shaped.

Japanese Knotweed grows from August through September in open areas. Although it looks pretty, it is listed by the World Conservation Union as one of the world’s worst invasive plants.



Smooth Sumac Growing In Abundance On Cape Cod

I have seen a lot of Smooth Sumac growing along the sides of the trails by the National Seashore. I wasn’t sure what it was until I did a little research.

Smooth Sumac is a large shrub which grows to about 10 feet with large, 12″ leaves. The bark is smooth and brown; the twigs are grey or red. The flowers are yellowish and bloom in June and July. The berries, which you can see in the photographs, are tiny, red, hairy,  sticky and about 8″ upright. They grow in dense, conical clusters.

I also learned that it is not poisonous, like Poison Sumac.

Have you ever seen Smooth Sumac?



Double-Crested Cormorant At Rock Harbor On Cape Cod

It was fun to watch the Double-crested Cormorants diving for food at Rock Harbor. There were quite a few of them and they were quite busy. They’d swim around bit and then dive way under. You never knew where they would surface, so you never knew where to focus your camera.

This guy was right next to the pier before he went looking for lunch. They should be around at least for another month before they head south and are really fun to watch.

Wellfleet Bay Wildlife Sanctuary Is A Great Place For The Whole Family

Wellfleet Bay Wildlife Sanctuary has so much to do for the entire family. Inside the visitors center is a small museum with lots of educational material. The kids will love the  fish and turtles in the tanks. They might even see a Wild Turkey outside the huge windows.

Outside there are walks and hikes through the woods and out to the beach. There are lots of birds and wildflowers and butterflies. And, when you get to the beach, there is an awesome boardwalk that you can walk over to get to the beach.

On the boardwalk the kids can see all of the Fiddler Crabs which they just love as they scurry in and out of their little holes in the marsh.

Put the Wellfleet Bay Wildlife Sanctuary on your list when you visit. So much fun and so much to see!

Pretty Yellow Coneflowers At the Wellfleet Bay Wildlife Sanctuary On Cape Cod

The gardens at the Wellfleet Bay Wildlife Sanctuary have been totally done over this summer and they are gorgeous! There are little paths that you can walk along to see the wildflowers and butterflies close-up and get those treasured macros.

The yellow Coneflowers were blooming and were gorgeous as they stood over 6 feet tall. They remind me of Colorado as there were many growing along the trails in Rocky Mountain National Park.

Beautiful, don’t you think?