Tag Archives: Cape Cod

Pretty Yellow Coneflowers At the Wellfleet Bay Wildlife Sanctuary On Cape Cod

The gardens at the Wellfleet Bay Wildlife Sanctuary have been totally done over this summer and they are gorgeous! There are little paths that you can walk along to see the wildflowers and butterflies close-up and get those treasured macros.

The yellow Coneflowers were blooming and were gorgeous as they stood over 6 feet tall. They remind me of Colorado as there were many growing along the trails in Rocky Mountain National Park.

Beautiful, don’t you think?


Beautiful Red-Tailed Hawk At The Salt Marsh On Cape Cod

The nest in our yard where Red-tailed Hawk  used to lay its eggs and then raise its young blew away during one of the ferocious storms last winter, so I haven’t seen too many Red-tailed Hawks this summer.

This was such a treat to see this hawk perched in one of the trees by the salt marsh, probably looking for breakfast.

Beautiful bird, don’t you think?

Evening At Hemenway Landing In Eastham On Cape Cod

It was a gorgeous evening for a walk at Fort Hill to Hemenway Landing. I sat on the bench for a bit just enjoying the view of Nauset Marsh.  I was surprised at all the boats anchored in the water and on shore.

Colorful, don’t you think?

Macro Photography With My New Leica Camera

We have been waiting for the new Leica camera to come out for a long time. They finally released the Leica C-Lux this summer and it is awesome! We just received it this week so this is my first macro with my new camera.

I was practicing taking a photograph of a rose in my backyard and noticed that a grasshopper was inside. What a treat!

Pretty awesome, don’t you think?