Hiking John Kenrick Woods In Orleans On Cape Cod.

We found some wonderful new hikes in Orleans on Cape Cod from the Orleans Walking Trails brochure that you can pick up at the Town Hall. They are all close-by and very different.

The John Kenrick Woods Trail was a pleasant surprise with trails through the White Pine forest. This tall, straight lumber was coveted for flagpoles, as well as spars and planks for sailing vessels in the 1800s. There are also more than 75 Chestnut trees on the site. It is the only location in Massachusetts where chestnuts are reproducing.

It was a wonderful hike, especially on a nice fall day. I love hiking on pine needles… so soft and quiet.


Semipalmated Plovers At Skaket Beach In Orleans On Cape Cod.

There were a few Semipalmated Plovers scurrying around on the flats at Skaket Beach the other day. They sure do move fast! Love the distinctive black ring around their necks.

Semipalmated Plovers usually migrate right around now, so you’re lucky if you see one!


Baker’s Pond In Orleans On Cape Cod.

There is a really pretty hike part way around Baker’s Pond in Orleans where you get some really nice views. Baker’s Pond is a classic coastal-plain kettle pond with a sandy shoreline. There are also a couple of longer hikes off of this one if you feel adventurous.

I loved the sparkles on the water. What do you think?


Still Warm Enough For A Picnic At Coast Guard Beach On Cape Cod!

This past week was unbelievably warm here on Cape Cod. It was such a treat to wear  shorts and a t-shirt, take a long walk on Coast Guard Beach to Nauset Spit and take a few long bike rides. Before our walk on Coast Guard Beach the other day, we had a wonderful picnic at one of our favorite picnic tables overlooking Nauset Marsh.

It doesn’t get much better, especially in October!

Cape Cod daily articles on the wonderful Cape Cod places to hike, experience and photograph. A Cape Cod Outdoor Adventure Series.