Tag Archives: Cape Cod

Beautiful Painted Lady Butterfly At The Wellfleet Bay Wildlife Sanctuary On Cape Cod

This was the first Painted Lady butterfly that I’ve seen all summer here on Cape Cod. I usually see tons of them throughout the summer months. I thought it was so strange that I hadn’t seen any at all.

This was the only Painted Lady that I saw at the Audubon and it looked so small. I don’t remember them being so small. I researched on the internet and it says that they are a large butterfly, as I had remembered. I wonder why it was so small  and why I haven’t seen any all summer?

Anyway, it was such a treat to see one at the very end of summer. They are such a colorful butterfly. Have you seen any Painted Lady butterflies this summer?

Adorable Baby Swallow At Fort Hill On Cape Cod

This little baby Swallow was sitting on the wooden fence at Fort Hill waiting for its mom to come by a few days ago. There were 3 little ones and they were so cute!I wasn’t sure if they were having flying lessons or what… they would sit on the fence and wait for mom.

They were so cute!

I went back yesterday and the Swallows seem to have migrated already. I didn’t see one! Wow! That was fast!

Successful Box Turtle Rescue On Cape Cod

Yesterday morning I got a frantic call from one of my neighbors saying that there was a Box Turtle stuck in the window well under her deck and she couldn’t get it out. She had called several places but no one had returned her call and she had no idea how long it had been in there. Please come and help! I couldn’t go so I sent Phil to the rescue.

When she had gone down in the basement that morning, she heard a light tapping sound. She thought it was the vent from the dryer but it kept tapping and it wasn’t near the dryer. She looked around and there was a beautiful Box Turtle stuck in her window well, tapping on the window, but the window well was under the deck so she couldn’t get to it from outside.

She and Phil got the built-up sand out of  the window track and were finally able to open it. Phil reached in with his gloves on while Wendy held the box. He was able to place the turtle in the box. They then brought it outside and released it where Wendy had seen some turtle nests in her yard a while back.

Kudos to Wendy and Phil for saving this beautiful turtle!

Spectacular Sunrise Over Boat Meadow Salt Marsh On Cape Cod

It’s a lot darker in the morning than  it was a few weeks ago, so I have to adjust my bike riding time a bit and leave a bit later. I was crossing the salt marsh about 6:30 and I just had to stop and take a few photographs. It was just spectacular!

I edited them a couple of different ways. Which one do you like better?