Tag Archives: Cape Cod

Another Gorgeous Kayaking Day On Cape Cod

It was another picture-perfect day for kayaking the Nauset Marsh out to Nauset Spit. We launched from Goose Hummock, so it was a nice long paddle. And yes, we did see a few seals along the way.

We remembered our folding seats that fit in the hatch, so that was a big treat at lunchtime. Just sit down, relax and enjoy those last days of summer.

It doesn’t get much prettier!

Sweet Pepperbush Wildflowers Are Blooming On Cape Cod

Sweet Pepperbush is a tall, leafy shrub which grows near coastal wetlands or swamps, which is why I’ve seen it on the Red Maple Swamp Trail at Fort Hill and the Spring Loop Trail at the Wellfleet Bay Wildlife Sanctuary. It is powerfully scented, so you can’t miss it!

The  white flowers are 1/3″ with 5 petals and 10 long stamens on 8″ upright spikes. You can see a close-up of the spikes and a photograph of the entire shrub in the 2 blog photographs.

They are really pretty. Have you ever seen a Sweet Pepperbush?

National Seashore Ranger Programs At Coast Guard Beach On Cape Cod

It was great to see this big class of entire families enjoying the knowledge of the National Seashore ranger on Coast Guard Beach. I’m sure they are learning about the beach and the salt marsh and erosion and the sharks and anything that is important on the National Seashore.

What a wonderful experience for all who were involved! It looked like a lot of fun!