Tag Archives: Cape Cod Bay

Great Blue Heron Looking For Breakfast On Cape Cod!

I took a walk to the beach on the bay side yesterday morning about 6:00am. The sky was gorgeous with pink hues and soft colors. The sailboat moored in the inlet was so pretty with the light shining on it. (Click on blog link for other photo.)

I got my camera out to take some photographs and when I zoomed in I saw something move. Hmmmm… what was that? It was a Great Blue Heron strutting around the deck peering into the water looking for breakfast. Haha!


Low Tide On Cape Cod Bay.

It is not uncommon to see the sailboats and motorboats sitting on the sand bars on Cape Cod Bay at low tide. There is such a tremendous tide from from low tide to high tide.

I took this photograph at Boat Meadow Beach where you can see 4 boats stranded on the sandbars, waiting for the tide to come in.