Tag Archives: Cape Cod

Beautiful Blue Chicory Wildflowers Are Blooming On Cape Cod

The deep blue Chicory wildflower is blooming abundantly on Cape Cod this summer. Did you know that each flower lasts for only a day?

Chicory grows on a stiff stalk and has numerous stemless flower heads. It looks like the flower grows right on the stalk. The flowers are 1-1 1/2″ and the plant grows from 2-4 feet on roadsides and by the sides of trails from June to October, so you have plenty of time to see them!

Love the rod-like stamens in the center of the flower…


Early Morning Surfing On Coast Guard Beach On Cape Cod

It was  a beautiful morning for a walk to Coast Guard Beach, part of the Cape Cod National Seashore. Peering through the cutout of the bushes, you can see the lifeguard stand and a surfer coming in. So pretty…

Perfect day for a walk and perfect day to be at the beach!


Gorgeous Bright Orange Trumpet Creeper Wildflowers Blooming On Cape Cod

The bright orange Trumpet Creepers are gorgeous and prolific here on Cape Cod this summer. They seem to be everywhere! I took this photograph at Fort Hill on the road to the overlook.

Trumpet Creeper is a woody vine with bright reddish-orange tubular-shaped 5 petaled flowers. The flowers are 2″ with 7-11 in a group and climb to 12 feet from July to September.  They are native to this area.

Have you ever seen a Trumpet Creeper? So pretty! They look just like a trumpet!


Three Poses: Great Blue Heron At Boat Meadow On Cape Cod Searching For Breakfast

Boat Meadow Beach is always my first stop on my daily 6am bike ride.  It is so beautiful and  one of my favorite places after riding over the salt marsh to the beach. You never know what you are going to see.

This morning I was treated to a Great Blue Heron searching for breakfast in the shallow waters at low tide. I clicked as he walked along the shore. And then I couldn’t decide which photograph I like best.

What do you think?