Tag Archives: Cape Cod

Cute Little Northern Flicker In Our Bird Bath On Cape Cod

This young Northern Flicker was having a blast splashing around in our bird bath. There were two of them there for a bit. He was just so cute! And then when he was finished with his bath, he stood on the side of the bath and kept opening his beak. I didn’t hear any sound come out  but he sure was adorable!

How cute is this?

Live In Orleans On Cape Cod Is Not To Be Missed!

Live In Orleans, a weekly music festival, has been so much fun this summer. Live in Orleans features four bands every Tuesday from 5-7pm, July 10- August 14. The festival will showcase a total 24 bands ranging in musical styles from folk and blues to country, rock, and sounds from around the world.

One of the bands that we saw last Tuesday was called the The Drummer Queens and they were awesome! Ten women made up the band of only drummers and the  music and enthusiasm was contagious!

We have listened to so many different kinds of music and each has been delightful. What a great way to spend a Tuesday evening. If you’re in town, you still have a few more weeks to enjoy the music at Live in Orleans!

Awesome Photograph Of A Monarch Butterfly On Cape Cod

This beautiful orange Monarch butterfly was flitting around my yard from Butterfly Plant to Butterfly Plant. I followed him around looking for that perfect photo-op.

I loved this photograph of the Monarch head on What do you think? You can see all of the features in his little head!

Pretty Crown Vetch Wildflowers On Coast Guard Beach Trail On Cape Cod

The Crown Vetch wildflowers were so pretty on the trail from Doane Rock to Coast Guard Beach. These pink and white bi-colored flowers form 1 1/2″ golf ball size clusters at the end of a stalk and grow 1-2 feet. They make a very pretty ground cover from June through August.

Have you ever seen Crown Vetch?