Tag Archives: Cape Cod

Bluebirds Still In Our Bluebird House On Cape Cod

When do Bluebirds leave their birdhouses for good?  Is it when they fledge?

I keep seeing this little Bluebird sticking its head out of the hole looking around. I’m not sure if there are other little ones in there too. And maybe this is a different one each time. I think they fledged a couple of weeks ago.

So I wondered if Bluebirds go back to their bird house at night  after they have fledged? And for how long? Does anyone know the answers to these questions? Everything that I have read says that Bluebirds do not go back to their nest or birdhouse once they have fledged.

A dilemma for sure… Hmmm…

The Colorful Monarch Butterflies Are Back At Fort Hill On Cape Cod!

It was such a  treat to see the beautiful Monarch butterflies flitting from flower to flower at Fort Hill. I had been waiting for them to come back from their long migration from Mexico.

The Monarch butterfly has often been called the most beautiful and majestic of butterflies and you can tell just by looking at its coloring and patterns. It feeds on Milkweed which Fort Hill has a lot to offer.

Have you seen a Monarch butterfly this year yet? Gorgeous, don’t you think?

Nauset Beach In Orleans On Cape Cod

This was another gorgeous day to photograph Nauset Beach, part of the National Seashore,  looking south toward Chatham. The lifeguard chairs are out and the beach looks pretty big for summer vacationers to enjoy. You can still see the roped off area for the Piping Plovers and Least Terns to nest.

Beautiful, don’t you think?