Tag Archives: Cape Cod

Whoops! Wrong Bluebird Mom On Cape Cod!

These two little baby Bluebirds were patiently waiting for their mom to bring them some food. Each time she flew up to them, they had their beaks wide open ready for that precious seed.

So, when this Starling flew up where they were perched, they instinctively opened their mouths for their food. I’m not sure who was more startled… the Bluebirds or the Starling! Look at his eye!!

Pretty Blue Star Wildflower At The Wellfleet Bay Wildlife Sanctuary

I saw this blue star-shaped wildflower just outside the Visitor’s Center at the Wellfleet Bay Wildlife Sanctuary a few days ago. It was so pretty  but I have no idea what kind of wildflower it is.  I’ve looked in my wildflower books and searched on the internet, but to no avail.

Does anyone know what kind of wildflower this Is?? So pretty, don’t you think?



Unique Rock Art At Boat Meadow On Cape Cod

There are a lot more rocks at Boat Meadow Beach since the ferocious storms last winter. Someone got creative and made some cairns from the rocks. It was really pretty along the edge of the shore. (A cairn is a  pile of rocks or stones, usually used to mark the trails for hikers.) So it was pretty innovative to see them on the beach.

Cool, don’t you think?

Fishing Boats At High Tide At Rock Harbor On Cape Cod

It was high tide yesterday morning when I went for my early morning bike ride. The big old fishing boats were following the  channel markers at Rock Harbor on their way out to sea.

Rock Harbor has such an iconic view with the unique channel markers that resemble trees growing in the water.

I loved this photograph, what do you think?