Tag Archives: Cape Cod

The Wild Lupine Wildflowers Are Magnificent At Fort Hill On Cape Cod!

The Wild Lupine wildflowers at Fort Hill are magnificent this year! Last year was a very lean year for the Wild Lupine so it was a big treat to see them all blooming the other day.

Wild Lupine grows to about 20″ with elongated clusters of blue 1/2″ pea-flowers.

The Least Terns Are Nesting At Coast Guard Beach On Cape Cod

The Least Terns were quite noisy as we walked by their roped off area on Coast Guard Beach. The nesting area is off limits to people and pets as the Least Terns and the Piping Plovers lay their eggs and raise their young.

This Least Tern looked so regal as he posed for his photograph!

Delicate Star Chickweed Wildflower At Fort Hill On Cape Cod

I was taking  a hike at Fort Hill the other day and came across this pretty little white wildflower. I had never seen a Star Chickweed wildflower before. It is so delicate with its tiny pistil and colorful stamens. This perennial wildflower is about 6-12″ tall and unbranched.

So pretty, don’t you think? Have you ever seen a Star Chickweed wildflower?

Lots Of Birding In Our Backyard On Cape Cod

We frequently have 15-20 or more different species of birds frequent our birdfeeders during the day. It is so much fun to watch and see if any new species stop by… and if they stay.

I loved this photograph of the Baltimore Oriole and the Rose-Breasted Grosbeak  feeding at our bird feeders. I was able to get them both in the same frame.

It doesn’t get much better!