Eight Great Blue Herons On Nauset Marsh On Cape Cod.

There was a huge flock of birds out on Nauset Marsh, part of the National Seashore,  the other day. Many were Double-Crested Cormorants with some Seagulls and Egrets mixed in.

I was so surprised when I got home and counted 8 Great Blue Herons on the far shore. I wonder what brought them all together…

I had never seen that many together before. Have you?

Yellow-Legged Meadowhawk Dragonfly On Doane Rock Trail On Cape Cod.

I’ve seen quite a few of these Yellow-legged Meadowhawk dragonflies in the past few weeks, but they have never landed long enough for me to get a photograph. This one was on the side of the trail going from Doane Rock to Coast Guard Beach. It’s a gorgeous hike.

This Yellow-legged Meadowhawk is reddish-brown with a reddish-orange thorax. It’s wings are clear and its legs are yellowish. They are very common late in the season.

Look at that little face! Wow!!



Kite Surfing At First Encounter Beach On Cape Cod.

There were so many kite surfers enjoying the crazy winds here on Cape Cod yesterday at First Encounter Beach. It was fun just to go and watch their tricks.

I loved this guy who would jump about 30+ feet off of the water into the sky. In the last photograph he looks like he is suspended from the clouds! Pretty cool, don’t you think?


Little Cliff Pond Trail At Nickerson State Park In Brewster On Cape Cod.

We took an awesome hike at Nickerson State Park in Brewster called Little Cliff Pond Trail. You hike along the shores of Cliff Pond, then through the woods to Little Cliff Pond where you see some spectacular view, especially in the fall.

The hike back is along the opposite shore but up on a cliff along the smaller pond, thus called Little Cliff Pond. It was really pretty and fairly easy for the whole family.

Have you ever hiked Little Cliff Pond Trail at Nickerson State Park?


Cape Cod daily articles on the wonderful Cape Cod places to hike, experience and photograph. A Cape Cod Outdoor Adventure Series.