Tag Archives: Cape Cod

Pretty Eastern Tailed Blue Butterfly At Fort Hill On Cape Cod

I saw this pretty little Eastern Tailed Blue Butterfly while we were hiking at Fort Hill the other day. It  is a small blue butterfly with a wingspan of 3/4-1″.  Above it is blue with a darker border and underneath it is gray with black spots and a little orange patch.

So pretty and delicate, don’t you think? Have you ever seen one?

Great Crested Flycatcher In Our Backyard On Cape Cod

It was very cool when I got my binoculars and saw this Great Crested Flycatcher sitting on a branch in our backyard. I kept hearing this very distinct bird call for a couple of days but didn’t know what it was and knew I hadn’t heard it before.

I ran in and got my camera while Phil watched it in the tree. When I looked it up in my bird book it said that it is often heard more often than it is seen and that it stays fairly high in the trees.

I loved the little crest of fluff on top of its head. Have you ever seen a Great Crested Flycatcher?