Tag Archives: Cape Cod

Beautiful Black And White Common Loon At Great Pond On Cape Cod

As we were hiking at Wiley Pond which abuts Great Pond, I saw a bird in the water out of the corner of my eye. I ran to the closest beachy area where I could see what was out there and there was this gorgeous Common Loon swimming around.  He was just beautiful.

He spread his wings out on the water so I could get a better photograph and then swam about.

Have you ever seen a Common Loon? Exquisite patterns on his body!


Huge Horseshoe Crab At The Salt Pond in Eastham On Cape Cod

We were taking a walk around the Salt Pond by the Visitor’s Center the other day when we saw this huge horseshoe crab right at the high tide mark. Oh no! It was sitting in the grass and needed to get back to the water.

We hemmed and hawed about how to get it back in the water and came up with a good plan. As Phil lifted it up very carefully so as not to scare it, we realized it was only the shell. Ha! Ha!

The joke was on us!! He really had us fooled!! It looked so real!

The Osprey Are Back On Their Nests On Cape Cod

It is such a treat to see the Osprey back on their nest here on Cape Cod. We have one Osprey nest near our home way far out in the marsh which the Ospreys use each summer. With all of the terrible storms and ferocious winds this past winter, the old nest blew away. We were afraid that the Osprey wouldn’t come back to the same place this year.

So, it was awesome to take this photograph of them both at their nest. This nest is on a pole way out in the middle of the marsh. They must st have brought all new branches for the nest. Wow! It is high tide in the photo with one of my neighbor’s bushes in the foreground.

Pretty cool, don’t you think?