Tag Archives: Cape Cod

Dancing White Egret At Nauset Marsh By Coast Guard Beach On Cape Cod

I was hoping to get a good photograph of this Egret as it was fishing in Nauset Marsh by Coast Guard Station. And then he looked like he was going to fly away so I clicked and this is what I got!

It looks like he is doing a ballet in the water. Pretty cool, don’t you think?

The Boats Are Back At Hemenway Landing On Cape Cod!

The kayaks and canoes and rowboats are all lined up and ready to go at Hemenway Landing in Eastham. It was such a treat to see all these colorful boats ready for that perfect day to go out and explore the waters of Nauset Marsh.

Hemenway Landing is a great launching spot where you can paddle out to Nauset Marsh, Orleans Town Cove or Nauset Spit and it is always spectacular!

Wild Turkey Loving The Trails At Fort Hill On Cape Cod

It was hilarious to see a Wild Turkey hiking the trails at Fort Hill. He followed  right along the side of the trail as if he knew the rules of a hiker. So funny!

Phil and I hiked down the Red Maple Swamp Trail over the boardwalk to Hemenway Landing. There is a bench there that overlooks Nauset Marsh that we love to sit on and watch whatever is going on., the birds, the boats, the clam diggers… There is always something going on.

Well, we were enjoying ourselves as the day was spectacular when along comes this Turkey! How did he get there? And he was still hiking along the side of the trail! It’s quite a distance away from where we saw him last.

And then we wondered if it was the same Wild Turkey that has been hanging out at our house… maybe he followed us?  🙂


The Blue Boxes Are Back On The Salt Marshes On Cape Cod

The “Blue Boxes” have been put on the salt marshes her on Cape Cod to attract those nasty Green Flies and mosquitoes. There’s something inside of the boxes that attracts the insects and then they get stuck inside.

It Is quite amazing how they work. We live very close to the salt marsh  and the beach on Cape Cod Bay and rarely see a Green Fly or a mosquito.

You can see how they put them along the sides of the marsh near the edge where people live.