Tag Archives: Cape Cod

Dunes On Coast Guard Beach On Cape Cod

The dunes on Coast Guard Beach have changed so much over the winter. You can see all of the dark brown undergrowth and roots that are now exposed. The clouds and sky were so interesting.

I edited the photograph in 2 subtle ways. I couldn’t decide which one I like better.  What do you think?

First Spring Daffodil In Our Yard On Cape Cod

We looked out into our yard yesterday as we were clearing winter brush and branches, and there was a yellow Daffodil right in the middle of the woods. What a treat! I had to walk out to see what it was.

So here is a macro of its beauty and one so you can see how far into the woods it grew without a lot of sunshine.
I thought this would be a fun blog today in that winter has been soooo long and yesterday felt like the first day of spring. And the forecast for today is for sleet and freezing rain with temps in the 30s… Brrrr.