Tag Archives: Cape Cod

Herring Cove Parking Lot In Provincetown On Cape Cod Got Hammered Over The Winter

It seems like each time we drive to Herring Cove Parking lot on Herring Cove Beach, the parking lot is a bit smaller. The winter storms really took a huge chunk out of it. There’s still room for some cars, but nearly as many as before as you can see by the barriers across the lot.

There is still a much larger parking lot just a few yards away, with restrooms, that holds quite a few cars which is where most of the people who enjoy Herring Cove Beach can park.

Still love the view down to Race Point in the distance.



New Sand At Nauset Beach Dunes On Cape Cod

There was a tremendous amount of sand brought in to Nauset Beach in the past few weeks. This is a photograph of the new fence that they put up around the bathrooms, making a higher dunes to the beach. You can also see the new dune grass that they planted to help stop erosion on the dunes.