Tag Archives: Cape Cod

Family Of Swans At Boat Meadow On Cape Cod

It was such a treat to see this family of Swans at Boat Meadow on Cape Cod Bay the other day. At first I thought they were white buoys that had washed in during the storm, but, as they got closer to shore, I realized they were Swans. I have never seen Swans swimming there before.

Pretty, don’t you think? The juvenile was just following along behind mom and dad. So cute!


Goodbye, Liam’s At Nauset Beach On Cape Cod

Liam’s at Nauset Beach, the iconic clam shack on Nauset Beach in Orleans on Cape Cod, was demolished on Tuesday due to heavy beach erosion from the 3 Nor’ easters this past winter on Cape Cod. I was not able to be there but I screen-saved a shot from the Cape Cod Times video. You can also go to their website and see the entire video. We will all miss your world-famous onion rings and fried clams!

View Liam’s Of Nauset Beach Print For Your Home.

Kite Surfing On Cape Cod Bay… Brrr!

It has been freezing here on Cape Cod for the past couple of weeks with high winds. But that doesn’t deter the die-hard kite surfers who love the wind and don’t mind the cold.

I thought this was pretty cool the other day. It was 27 degrees with at least 25 mph winds and he looked like he was having a blast! Look at those white caps on Cape Cod Bay!

The Latest On Liam’s At Nauset Beach On Cape Cod

We took a drive to Nauset Beach yesterday to see what was going and 2/3s of the parking lot was blocked off. You could see a large excavator loading what looked like black top from next to Liam’s into a dump truck. Liam’s was still there.  We’ll take a ride down there again today to see what progress has been made. You can also see the old septic tanks which they must have brought up from the beach.

In the 2nd photograph you can see they take brought in LOTS of sand where the gazebo stood last week.  You can also see how close it is to the parking lot. Wow!

It will be very interesting to see what the town does with the beach and surrounding area and also how much the beach changes before summer…

For those who do not know the history of Liam’s at Nauset Beach: Liam’s at Nauset Beach has been a popular summer restaurant for 63 years, originally known as Philbrick’s Snack Shack. Jon Ohman took it over in 1990 and renamed it Liam’s. It is now teetering over the edge of the ocean at high tide on Nauset Beach due to the many Nor’ easters that we’ve had this winter.

Feeding Frenzy At Nauset Beach On Cape Cod

The birds were loving the huge feeding frenzy at Nauset Beach, part of the National Seashore. There were birds everywhere, diving into the water, so there must have been fish everywhere in the water. It was really beautiful to watch.


I couldn’t decide which photograph I liked better, What do you think?