Tag Archives: Leica C-Lux

Beautiful Ring-Necked Ducks at Herring Pond On Cape Cod.

There was a nice flock of about 30 Ring-necked Ducks at Herring Pond the other day. They were just gorgeous! It was the first time we had seen Ring-necked Ducks on Cape Cod.

We saw a lot of these ducks out in Colorado way up high on a pond in the Rocky Mountains, so it was a treat to see some of them here too.

Ring-necked Ducks are medium diving ducks that have a blue-gray bill with a white ring and a black tip. I always wondered why they aren’t called “Ring-billed Ducks.”

Beautiful bird, don’t you think? Have you ever seen a Ring-necked Duck?



Hiking Fort Hill On Cape Cod In The Fall.

Even without the summer wildflowers and butterflies, Fort Hill is a wonderful place to hike during any season. There are still plenty of birds to see and the views from the  trails are breathtaking.

I loved this trail with the gorgeous clouds overlooking Nauset Marsh. Have you ever hiked at Fort Hill?