Tag Archives: Cape Cod

Beautiful Pamet Trails In Truro On Cape Cod

The Pamet Trails in Truro in Cape Cod are some of the prettiest around. They take you from the pine forests, to the scrubby shrubs, to the sand dunes. They are all clearly marked and kept up well.

Most of the trails are gravel or sand and and many are covered with pine needles. Soft, soft, soft…

And so beautiful.

Red-Tailed Hawk Finding Prey At The Salt Marsh On Cape Cod

As we were driving along the salt marsh the other day, I noticed this Red-Tailed Hawk in the grass. I usually see the Red-tailed Hawk sitting  in a  tree or flying, but rarely on the ground. We pulled over to see what he was doing.

He was obviously enjoying his fresh-caught meal, of what I do not know. There were a lot of seabirds nearby in the river. Maybe a little rodent nearby?

I liked the 2nd photograph as he looks like he is taking a little break from “lunch.” He was pretty far out on the marsh, so no other predators were nearby.