Tag Archives: Cape Cod

Opening Night For Your Favorite Photo Contest In Orleans On Cape Cod

I entered my very first photo contest at our local camera store and gallery in Orleans on Cape Cod. It was really cool. It is an annual contest with the title of “Your Favorite Photo of 2017,” with the date changing each year. When I first heard about it, I had one very favorite photograph that I took right before Christmas at a beach I had never been to before.

My son and I were on our way to Hyannis and we had a few extra minutes, so I told him to go on google and find a beach nearby. The forecast was for a huge winter storm that afternoon so a nice little walk would be welcome. As we walked onto the beach, this is what we saw. It was breathtaking. I only had a few seconds to take a photograph before the colors changed, so I titled my photograph “A Cape Cod Moment,” for that’s all it was.

Voting is public until the first week of March. Keeping my fingers crossed!


Hooded Merganser At Boat Meadow River On Cape Cod


I saw my first Hooded Merganser on Cape Cod the other day at Wiley Park, and then the next day at Boat Meadow River. At first I thought they were Buffleheads, but then I looked a little closer on my computer.

What a gorgeous water bird! Look at those vibrant colors with a huge white patch on its head and white stripes on their black breast and black back. So pretty. The females are more drab in colors of black and brown.

Have you ever seen a  Hooded Merganser? They are abundant on Cape Cod from November through March.

The Bog House On The Pamet Trail In Truro On Cape Cod

The Pamet Trail System in Truro has some really great hikes. One is to the Bog House which is very interesting and full of history.  The Bog House, located among former cranberry bogs in the Pamet Valley, was originally constructed around 1830. It supported cranberry harvesting that occurred there until the 1960s.

“The Pamet Cranberry Bog consists of three small freshwater bogs, a modified two-story “bog house,” sand pits, and a system of drains, culverts, and other hydrological features that all together were used to produce cranberries for commercial use during the late 19th to mid-20th century.”

The Bog House itself is quite unique with its main door on the 2nd floor. Pretty cool, don’t you think?