Tag Archives: Cape Cod

Some Erosion At Coast Guard Beach On Cape Cod

Coast Guard Beach, part of the National Seashore, experienced some erosion to its dunes and beach during the last storm. When you walk down the path, there is a 1-2 foot drop-off at the end. The dunes right next to the trail look like they got hammered.

I took this photograph looking back up from the beach. You can see the Coast Guard Station in the background.

Seven Northern Flickers In Our Yard On Cape Cod

A few days ago when the temps were hovering around 7 degrees, we had seven Northern Flickers in our yard. Two were on feeding the suet, three were on the ground scrounging around for some seed and two were pecking at the tree. It was quite a beautiful sight! I’ve never seen that many in any one place before so it was such a treat that they were in our yard!

This was one of the Flickers who was trying to get warm in the sun. I love how you can see the spectacular coloring on his body. Gorgeous bird, don’t you think?

Cape Cod Bay Beaches Are Still Full Of Huge Ice Chunks

Cape Cod Bay beaches are still filled with huge ice chunks from the storm last week. We couldn’t believe how many chunks there were when we drove to First Encounter Beach in Eastham. You cannot even walk on the beach; there are way too many icebergs. And, as you look out to the bay, all you see is white… no water, just snow. It is truly amazing.

The second photograph is from the Goose Pond Trail at the Wellfleet Bay Wildlife Sanctuary. You can see the huge chunks that washed up from the marsh over the boardwalk from the storm last week.

People who have lived here for decades have never seen anything like it. Unbelievable!



Enjoying A Walk On Coast Guard Beach, Part Of The National Seashore, On Cape Cod

Coast Guard Beach, part of the National Seashore, is one of the most spectacular beaches in the United States. This time of year, you often do not see another soul on the beach.

We were enjoying the walk, the solitude and peacefulness of the beach and the waves.

It doesn’t get much better…


Wintry Nauset Marsh From Fort Hill On Cape Cod

Nauset Marsh from Fort Hill in Eastham, part of the National Seashore, was so pretty at high tide. The salt marshes are almost all submerged under the high waters.

I love this bench which is so very popular in the summer and one of our favorites places for a picnic. It looks pretty cold and austere this time of year, especially with the new-fallen snow. But still pretty with Coast Guard Station way in the background.

What do you think?