Tag Archives: Cape Cod

Wintry Nauset Marsh From Fort Hill On Cape Cod

Nauset Marsh from Fort Hill in Eastham, part of the National Seashore, was so pretty at high tide. The salt marshes are almost all submerged under the high waters.

I love this bench which is so very popular in the summer and one of our favorites places for a picnic. It looks pretty cold and austere this time of year, especially with the new-fallen snow. But still pretty with Coast Guard Station way in the background.

What do you think?

Rare Snow Geese On My Walk On Cape Cod

I was taking a walk around my neighborhood last week, the only day when the temperatures were above 20 degrees, and saw these three Snow Geese on someone’s lawn. At first I thought they were the fake ones that blow in the breeze. But as I got closer, they were eating from the ground and preening. Hmmm… It looked like two parents and one juvenile. I didn’t have my camera (duh!) so I couldn’t take any photographs and I was too far away to use my iPhone. I didn’t go back because I thought they would be long gone.

Yesterday was the first day out of the teens for temperatures so I decided to walk back and see if those Snow Geese were still there… almost a week later. They were! What a surprise. I clicked away! And then went home to do some research.

I had never seen a Snow Goose before,  so I was quite delighted when I read that they are very rare and irregular this time of year and not seen every year. What a treat! And it looks like two parents and one juvenile.

Pretty cool, don’t you think?


Almost Sunset At First Encounter Beach In Eastham On Cape Cod Bay

It was a beautiful almost sunset as the sun was starting to go down behind a bank of clouds at First Encounter Beach in Eastham on Cape Cod Bay. Temps were in the single digits and there was snow and ice everywhere.

I loved this photograph of the sun setting behind the bank of clouds over Cape Cod Bay with the snowy beach fence in the foreground.  The colors were just spectacular!

What do you think?

Much Erosion At Nauset Beach In Orleans On Cape Cod

Nauset beach, part of the National Seashore, was closed after the storm a couple of days ago. The National Seashore workers were putting up the ropes when we got there on Friday. The waves and erosion took away a good chunk of the dunes, so there is a drop-off of about 5-6 feet which makes the viewing platform very unsteady and getting to the beach difficult.

I went to the other path to the beach and that was closed too. The drop-off looks even more pronounced there. You can’t get to the end to see how big it is.

It is truly amazing what Mother Nature is capable of doing, especially in a huge storm along the beach.

Boat Meadow Beach In Eastham On Cape Cod Is Full Of Huge Ice Chunks!

We were so surprised when we took a drive to Boat Meadow Beach yesterday and saw the huge icebergs all along the shore. They dwarf the benches on the beach.

In the 2nd photograph you can see the huge ice chunks along the side of the road. The salt marsh had flooded over the entire road into people’s driveways and the plows had to come break up the ice in the road.

I’ve never seen ice like this around here before.