Tag Archives: Cape Cod

Mysterious Animal On The Boardwalk At Fort Hill On Cape Cod

It was a cloudy, cold day and I decided to take a morning walk at Fort Hill before the rain started. Phil was home with a bad cold, so I was solo. I thought Red Maple Swamp Trail would be fun as it is in the woods and somewhat protected.

About 1/2 in on the boardwalk, I noticed some water and water tracks on the side of the boardwalk which then went down the middle of the boardwalk. Hmmm… I wonder what it was! The only animal I could think of was a Muskrat, but it would have to be  a pretty big one.

As I walked along, I saw the same kind of tracks a little ways down, but this was in a much dryer area.

Next time I go to the Visitor’s Center, I will be sure to inquire as to what animal might like the swamp waters at Fort Hill. Anyone have any ideas?



Orleans On Cape Cod Is Beach-Themed For The Holidays

I always love to see how the different towns decorate this time of year for the holidays. I thought that Orleans had some of the cutest decorations with the colorful buoys and greens in the wooden box with  a little sign that says, “Shop Local,” which is so important for businesses around here.

Cute, don’t you think?  And just perfect for this popular beach town, home of Nauset Beach.


The Seals Are Still Swimming Along Coast Guard Beach On Cape Cod

You can still see the seals as you walk along Coast Guard Beach, part of the National Seashore,  in Eastham. They dart up and down in the waves and sometimes follow you along the shore.

This little guy wa swimming in the waves a couple of days ago. I love his little face.