Tag Archives: Cape Cod

Red-Bellied Woodpecker Is Growing Up In Our Yard On Cape Cod

This little Red-Bellied Woodpecker is a frequent visitor at our suet feeders. It’s been fun to watch him grow the past few months. The last time I posted a photograph of him in August, he didn’t have any red on his head. Now, he has started getting that distinct red spot on the back of his head.

He comes numerous times during the day. I’m glad that he visits so often, as he makes me smile each time I see him. We’ve named him “Little Big Red,” after his parents who we call “Big Red.”

Cute little guy, don’t you think?

Fort Hill In Eastham On Cape Cod Has Awesome Views!

It was a gorgeous, warm day last week for a walk at Fort Hill, which is about a 2 minute drive from our home. You can walk on the loop trail around the meadows and Nauset Marsh or you can take the trail on the boardwalk through Red Maple Swamp and down by hemenway Landing. Each one is spectacular.

I took this photograph as I was finishing my walk up to the top parking lot which overlooks the meadows and Nauset Marsh with the Coast Guard Station in the distance.

Pretty, don’t you think?

The Flats Behind First Encounter Beach On Cape Cod

There is a little river that flows behind First Encounter Beach into the salt marsh that is really pretty at low tide. If you park at the end of the road into First Encounter Beach and walk down the path away from the beach, you will find this little river which is very high at high tide and very low at low tide.

I thought this was a cool photograph that shows the sand ripples at low tide. What do you think?

Boat Meadow Salt Marsh On Cape Cod In The Fall

When walking to the beach, I cross the Boat Meadow Salt Marsh where you can see Cape Cod Bay on one side and the salt marsh on the other side. It is always spectacular and takes your breath away, no matter the season or weather. Mother Nature has done a fine job.

This photograph is looking at the salt marsh with the Cape Cod Rail Trail way in the  background. I think it is so pretty. What do you think?

Great Blue Heron High In A Tree At Nauset Marsh On Cape Cod

I seem to see so many Great Blue Herons way up high in the trees lately. They perch on the branches and then fly down to the salt marsh feed on the fish.

This Great Blue seems to like this tall 30′ tree on the Salt Pond Trail in Eastham. I have seen him there several times lately.

Cool, don’t you think?