Tag Archives: Cape Cod

The Seagull And The Little Sanderling At Coast Guard Beach On Cape Cod

This was the cutest thing I had seen in a long time… the little Sanderling trying to sneak some of the Seagull’s freshly caught clam. This little Sanderling would scurry about in the sand on Coast Guard Beach, but as soon as the seagull turned away, he would run in for a bite.

How cute is this?

Hundreds Of Seals At Nauset Spit On Cape Cod

While walking out to Nauset Spit on Coast Guard Beach, Phil and I thought there were many new rocks on the Nauset Beach side. It looked like piles of rocks. I didn’t think that could be, so I went to investigate.

As I got closer I could hear the seals. They were really loud and there were hundreds  of them basking in the sun. I had never seen so many there before. No wonder the Great White Sharks love this particular area. There sure is plenty of food!