Tag Archives: Cape Cod

Semi-Palmated Plovers On The Flats On Cape Cod

I was taking a walk out on the flats at low tide near Boat Meadow when I saw something out of the corner of my eye. There were two birds scurrying around the mud, looking for food.

I clicked away and realized when I got home that they were Semipalmated Plovers. They blend in pretty well on the mud flats and the water, don’t you think?

Yellow Wildflower At The Wellfleet Bay Wildlife Sanctuary On Cape Cod

I saw this pretty yellow wildflower at  the Wellfleet Bay Wildlife Sanctuary a few weeks ago. I didn’t know what it was. So I came home and researched my wildflowers books and the internet and I still do not know what kind of wildflower it is.

Can anyone help me with its identification? It would be much appreciated! It is so pretty.

Gorgeous Day At Coast Guard Beach On Cape Cod

Friday was one of the “10 best days at Coast Guard Beach, part of he National Seashore, on Cape Cod!” It was absolutely spectacular with sunny skies and temperatures in the low 70s. We couldn’t believe we were walking on the beach without even a jacket on. Unbelievable for November.

The tide was going out so we walked down to Nauset Spit, where Coast Guard Beach is separated from Nauset Beach by an ever-moving channel which leads into Nauset Marsh. It is one of my favorite beach walks. We saw so many different species of birds and lots of seals. With the bird migration in progress, there is  so much to look forward to…