Tag Archives: Cape Cod

Gorgeous Day For A Bike Ride On Cape Cod!

Yesterday was a glorious day,  sunny and in the lower 70s… a perfect day for a bike ride! I took off to Boat Meadow Beach which is where I took this photograph. It was high tide and there were  people sitting on the beach and one little boy was swimming. The clouds were spectacular!

Then I biked over to Rock Harbor which is another beautiful place to visit any time of the year. Then on to the Cape Cod Rail Trail over the salt marshes and home. Who ever thought I could bike in shorts and a t-shirt at the end of October?  I wasn’t going to miss this gorgeous day!

Beautiful View From The Wellfleet Bay Wildlife Sanctuary On Cape Cod

The views at the Wellfleet Bay Wildlife Sanctuary are many and they are breathtaking. I took this photograph from the lookout on the Goose Pond Trail heading out toward the beach. You can see Tri-Island in the distance on the right which is also a fun hike. You may be treated to many shorebirds feeding in the marshes.

In the far distance you can see the white beaches of Wellfleet and Jeremy Point. It doesn’t get much prettier!


Huge Dogwood Berries On Our Trees On Cape Cod

I love the big red berries that emerge from the white flowers on the Dogwood trees. They just don’t seem to go together. The flowers are so pretty and delicate and the berries are huge, about 1″ berries with little bumps all over them, almost like a soccer ball.

Have you ever seen these berries on your Dogwood trees?

New High Tide Markers At The Wellfleet Bay Wildlife Sanctuary On Cape Cod

When we hike at the Wellfleet Bay Wildlife Sanctuary and want to go out to the outer beach across the boardwalk on the salt marsh, we always look at the tide charts to make sure it is not near high tide. We got stuck last year in February and ended up wading in, rolling up our jeans and holding our shoes. Thank goodness it was a warm day but the water was still pretty cold.

This past summer they have marked where they think the tides will be in the future, as they seem to be getting higher each year.

The first photograph shows the trail looking out to Cape Cod Bay with the beach in the distance. The second photograph shows looking back to the trail from where the high tide comes in now. The years they have marked ar 2025, 2050, 2063 and 2075.

It’s amazing how high the tides might rise with the warming climate.