Tag Archives: Cape Cod

Brown Knapweed Is Still Growing On Cape Cod

The Brown Knapweed is blooming all over Cape Cod. Many regard it as an invasive wildflower, although it is very pretty.  The 1 to 1 1/2″ flowers are pinkish purple with thistle like heads that grow from June through September.

I took this photograph while hiking at Fort Hill in Eastham but you can see them along the sides of the roads and trails.


Fall Colors At The Wellfleet Bay Wildlife Sanctuary On Cape Cod

Wellfleet Bay Wildlife Sanctuary is one of my favorites places to hike. There are so many different interesting trails. This one is the Silver Spring Trail which meanders along Silver Spring and then across a bridge and along the opposite side.

You can see fall beginning as the leaves are starting to turn such pretty colors along the trails.

I love this tree that arches over the trail…

Kent’s Point In Orleans On Cape Cod

Kent’s Point in Orleans on Cape Cod has many wonderful hikes. There are several trails that meander through the woods and others along the shore. It’s especially fun to go at low tide as you can hike along the beach and see many shorebirds.

As you go past the point, one trail goes along the shore where you can see a boathouse  and where several boats are moored. So pretty, don’t you think?

Great Blue Heron Searching For Food At Rock Harbor On Cape Cod

I have seen so many Great Blue Herons lately in the salt marshes here on Cape Cod. This Great Blue was stalking something in the water along in the high grass, searching for his next meal.

And then he darted down toward the water and caught lunch, as you can see him with his beak wide open.