Tag Archives: Cape Cod National Seashore

Delicate, Little Lesser Stitchwort Wildflower At Fort Hill On Cape Cod.

If you look very closely, you can see all of the tiny, white Lesser Stitchwort wildflowers along the trails at Fort Hill. They have pretty star-like flowers which are tiny, only 15-18mm across. I love the bright pink anthers on their stamens.

Have you seen them at Fort Hill? They bloom through August, so you still have plenty of time.

Back On The Trails Again On Cape Cod!

After breaking my leg 8 weeks ago, it feels so good be be back on the trails again. I got the ok for “little hikes” or “short bike rides,” so we decided to try this trail from Doane Rock to the bridge at Coast Guard Beach. Phil surprised me and took this photograph of me enjoying the gorgeous scenery on one of my first times out!

Many Picnic Areas To Choose From In The National Seashore On Cape Cod.

There are so many picnic areas in the National Seashore, that sometimes you have to choose which one you like better! (Click on blog link for other photos.)

One on our favorite areas to picnic is near Doane Rock where it is shady and cool. (Click on blog link for other photos.)

These picnic areas are near Doane Rock and have room for a family  or a larger group. They are all accessible by car which makes it very easy. Have you ever picnicked there?

Eastham Painters Guild At Fort Hill On Cape Cod.

There was a lot of activity at Fort Hill yesterday morning as the Eastham Painters Guild set up their easels while picking their favorite place to paint. (Click on blog link for other photo.)

They couldn’t have picked a better day as the skies and the views over Nauset Marsh were just beautiful!