Tag Archives: Cape Cod

Blue Lobster On Coast Guard Beach On Cape Cod

We were taking a walk along Coast Guard beach after the storms a few days ago when I saw this blue lobster in the sand. Hmmm…. What was it? Where was it from? Was it indeed a lobster without its legs?

Was it really a blue lobster?  What it something else? I have no idea but I thought it was a pretty cool photograph.

Surfing Backwards At Coast Guard Beach On Cape Cod

The waves were up with the remnants of Hurricanes Jose, so the surfers were in their glory. This surfer was strutting his stuff at Coast Guard Beach and had everyone watching.

Notice how he starts facing frontward and then turns around so he is surfing backwards. Pretty cool!

Chatham Marconi Maritime Center On Cape Cod

We have driven by the Chatham Marconi Maritime Center many times on our way to Chatham but had never stopped in. What a gem!

“In 1914, Guglielmo Marconi built a high powered wireless station in Massachusetts. The receivers were here in Chatham. Our museum tells the story of Marconi, whose company built the station, and how the station’s Morse code operators were able to communicate with ships across the world even a hundred years ago. And it tells the story of the secret role that the station played during WWII.”

There is so much to see and learn at the Marconi-RCA Wireless Museum. What a wonderful place for adults as well as children! You can self-guide yourself through the museum or listen to some of the well-informed guided talks by their dedicated volunteers.

We could have stayed for hours! It is so interesting and a definite to visit if you’re on Cape Cod!

Rock Harbor In Orleans On Cape Cod

Rock Harbor in Orleans on Cape Cod is a unique little harbor which is ruled by the tides. The boats go in and out closer to high tide so they don’t get stuck in all of the Cape Cod Bay sandbars. The channel into Rock Harbor is also unique as it is marked by “trees,” or what look like trees. It really is a beautiful place to visit.

I was walking down the beach the other day when I took these two photographs. I couldn’t decide which one I liked better. What do you think?

Two Extremely Rare Lobsters At The Wellfleet Bay Wildlife Sanctuary On Cape Cod

The Wellfleet Bay Wildlife Sanctuary has two very rare lobsters in their tanks right now. The Orange Lobster is a rare variety of northern lobsters and grows to 44 lbs., making it the heaviest growing Crustacean in the world. Orange Lobsters occur only 1 in every 10 million lobsters.

The Calico Lobster is ever more rare with only 1 in 300 million lobsters.

The variations in their color are due to genetic mutations.

If you’re on Cape Cod, make sure you go to the Wellfleet Bay Wildlife Sanctuary and see these very cool lobsters!