Tag Archives: Cape Cod

Common Baskettail Dragonfly At Fort Hill On Cape Cod

“The Common Baskettail is a medium-sized, dull brown dragonfly with a series of yellow-orange lateral spots on its stout abdomen. Many individuals have a large brown triangular spot at the base of each hindwing; however, the wings may be clear.”

I saw this Common Baskettail Dragon on one of the trails at Fort Hill in Eastham. I had never photographed one before. I love his little face.

What do you think?

Indian Pipe Wildflower At My Home On Cape Cod

The Indian Pipe wildflower is a perennial that grows to about 7 inches  and is a translucent “ghostly” white, sometimes pale pinkish-white and commonly has black flecks.  The leaves are scale-like and flecked with black on the flower stalk . The stem bears a single  3/4″ flower. It gets its nourishment from decayed organic matter and turns black when picked.

I had never seen an Indian Pipe before so it was a big treat to find so many of them in my woodsy yard.

Have you ever seen one? It does look like an Indian smoking pipe, don’t you think?

Laughing Gull Molting On Cape Cod

I took this photograph at Hemenway Landing is Eastham on Cape Cod. I had no idea what kind of seagull it was. I got home and looked and looked but came up with nothing.

So, I went to see Mike, the owner of The Bird Watcher’s General Store  in Orleans, and after researching it himself concluded that it was a Laughing Gull molting its feathers. Thanks goodness that Mike is around when we get really stuck!

It just looked so weird to me, almost as if it someone had put a seagull costume on it. It just didn’t look like the body fit its head.

What do you think?


Nauset Marsh From Hemenway Landing On Cape Cod

I love to park at Fort Hill in Eastham and then hike down to Hemenway Landing which is right on Nauset Marsh on the National Seashore. There is always something interesting to see along Nauset Marsh whether it be a bird, a butterfly, a boat, kayakers or just the gorgeous views.

I took this photograph in both a horizontal and a vertical layout. Which one do you like better?

Huge Bird Tracks in the Sand On Cape Cod

This must be one huge bird that left its tracks in the sand at Boat Meadow on Cape Cod! That is my foot print next to the bird’s tracks and my foot is pretty big.

In doing some research it must be a big Great Blue Heron as their tracks usually range from 6-8.” They just looked huge walking along the sand. Very cool!