Tag Archives: Cape Cod

Juvenile Black-Bellied Plover In Wellfleet On Cape Cod

These little Black-Bellied Plovers were flitting all around the mud flats by the beach at the Wellfleet Bay Wildlife Sanctuary  the other day. Phil and I clicked away and got a few good photographs.

And then I started to do research and am not sure what they are. I think they are juvenile Black-Bellied Plovers. Can anyone verify what they are?

Their coloring is so different from adult Black-Bellied Plovers, but they were right near each other on the mud flats. Any help would be much appreciated!


Pretty Pink Swamp Rose-Mallow Wildflower At Fort Hill On Cape Cod


have always loved seeing the Swamp Rose-Mallow wildflowers by the beaches in Connecticut and on Cape Cod. We called them “Marshmallows” when we were growing up, even though they come in pink or white. The were abundant around the ponds by the beach.

I saw this Swamp Rose-Mallow growing in the crevice of this rock at Fort Hill. I thought it was so pretty. The flowers are large, 4-7″ and grow near salt marshes and beaches.

I loved the coloring with the soft blues and light pink. What do you think?

Low Tide At The Wellfleet Bay Wildlife Sanctuary On Cape Cod

There is a wonderful hike at the Wellfleet Bay Wildlife Sanctuary where you can go out to the outer beaches, over a boardwalk. But only go at low tide or near low tide or you could get stuck!

It was a glorious day last week with a blue sky and beautiful puffy clouds. We hiked the Silver Spring Trail and then out to the outer beach where we saw a lot of shore birds.

I took a photograph of the boardwalk from 2 different perspectives… straight on and at an angle. I couldn’t decide which one I liked better. What do you think?

Pretty Black Spicebush Swallowtail Butterfly In My Yard On Cape Cod

It was such a treat to see this black Spicebush Swallowtail butterfly feeding on the Zinnias in my yard here on Cape Cod. It is such a pretty butterfly.

The Spicebush Swallowtail is a very large butterfly measuring 3 1/2″ to 4 1/2.” Its overall color is black with white and blue spots on its wings. It loves to sip nectar from a variety of flowers and frequents woodlands, meadows and gardens.

Have you ever seen a Spicebush Swallowtail?


Orange Sunrise Over Nauset Marsh At Fort Hill On Cape Cod

We were on our way to the gym a few days ago when we saw this awesome sunrise to the east. So, the next morning we left a bit earlier and got to Fort Hill, on the National Seashore, just as the sun started to rise.  It was just spectacular as you can see the sun over Nauset Marsh with the Atlantic Ocean in the background. The sun was so huge!

Pretty, don’t you think?