Tag Archives: Cape Cod

Beautiful Green Heron At The Wellfleet Bay Wildlife Sanctuary On Cape Cod

We were hiking along the Silver Spring Trail at the Wellfleet Bay Wildlife Sanctuary on Cape Cod when we saw a little movement in the trees down by the water. After watching for a while, we saw this beautiful Green Heron perch on the branch overlooking the water.

Gorgeous bird, don’t you think? I love the lighting on him.

Awesome View Of Painted Lady Butterfly On Cape Cod

I got so many cool photographs of this Painted Lady butterfly at the Wellfleet Bay Wildlife Sanctuary last weekend. He just flitted from flower to flower while I clicked away. I got so many different angles.

This is my first one. What do you think?

I don’t think I’ve ever seen a butterfly this close up. Have you?



Gorgeous Baltimore Oriole Still In Our Yard On Cape Cod!

I hadn’t seen a Baltimore Oriole in our yard for a couple of days, so I thought they had migrated south already. But I was wrong! What a treat!

There was a very interesting article in the Cape Cod Times about birds and their migration this week. I always thought that birds migrated because the temperatures were getting cooler. I learned that it is the length of the day that propels them to start their migrations. Did you know that?

Yesterday morning it was pouring rain. As I looked out the window I saw a glimpse of orange… could it be? And there at my bird feeder was a gorgeous Baltimore Oriole. I wonder if he came to say goodbye for the winter. He came back several times during the day so get some grape jelly between the raindrops.

I wonder if I’ll see him today?  Isn’t he gorgeous?

PS He arrived at 8:00 this morning for a breakfast of grape jelly! 🙂

Colorful Boats At Hemenway Landing On Cape Cod

There are so many multi-colored canoes and kayaks at Hemenway Landing in Eastham on Cape Cod this summer. They make for a wonderful photograph!

Pretty soon we will see them slowly dwindle away as they are put away until next summer. But maybe we still have a few more weeks to paddle this glorious Nauset Marsh! It doesn’t get much better.