Tag Archives: Cape Cod

Lots of Surfers At Coast Guard Beach On Cape Cod


The wind was up and the waves were good for all of the surfers at Coast Guard Beach, part of the Cape Cod National Seashore, on Cape Cod. The forecast was for a high surf advisory. So, the waters were packed with surfers and they were ready to catch that perfect wave!

The Rock At Rock Harbor In Orleans On Cape Cod

This is the rock for which Rock Harbor on Cape Cod is named. It is pretty huge and lies off the beach on the Eastham side.

These Double-Crested Cormorants were enjoying their leisure time at low tide on the rock, as it’s almost time for them to migrate south. You can see how low the tide is by the exposed seagrass which is not visible during high tide.

The second photograph is of the rock out in the distance on the right looking from the Rock Harbor channel. The rock looks so small in the distance, don’t you think?

Fort Hill In Eastham On Cape Cod Was Spectacular!

The landscape and clouds at Fort Hill on Cape Cod the other day were just spectacular! It has been so dry this summer that there were very few wildflowers or even butterflies. I had gone for a walk to see if I could get any new photographs of the Monarch butterflies, but only saw 2 of them in the distance.

Even though it was a hot day, it felt like  fall was right around the corner…