Tag Archives: Leica C-Lux

The CG36500 Is Docked At Rock Harbor On Cape Cod.

The CG36500 is the famous Coast Guard boat that was depicted in the Disney movie, The Finest Hours, because of its incredible rescue of 32 crewmen from a sinking ship off of the coast of Cape Cod in 1952.

During the summer you can go on board and see where those 32 crewmen survived. It is worth the trip just to see the boat. If you haven’t watched the movie, put that on your list too! It’s truly amazing!

Coast Guard Beach In North Truro On Cape Cod!

I never knew there was a Coast Guard Beach in North Truro until I posted a blog about Coast Guard Beach a few days ago and I got a response from someone who lives in North Truro asking if this was the North Truro Coast Guard Beach. Hmmm…..

I quickly got on google and found that there was indeed a Coast Guard Beach in North Truro. Wow! I never would have known.

I was on my way up to Provincetown so, on the way home, I stopped and took a few photographs of this Coast Guard Beach. So pretty, don’t you think?

Thank you for the enlightening! And… your email made my day!


Vibrant Orange Trumpet Creepers At Fort Hill On Cape Cod.

The bright orange Trumpet Creepers at Fort Hill are just spectacular this year!  (Click on blog link for other photos.)

You can see in the 2nd photo how they got their name… they are shaped just like a trumpet!

They grow to be 12′ tall and bloom till September, so you still have plenty of time to see them by the side of the road going up to the overlook.

Iconic Young’s Fish Market At Rock Harbor On Cape Cod.

“Located right by the docks at Rock Harbor in Orleans, MA, Young’s Fish Market is the perfect place to pick up a lobster roll and your fresh fish, fresh lobster or fresh shellfish for lunch or dinner! Walk the flats, check out the charter boats, and stroll over to Young’s for the catch of the day. You won’t find a more quality or picturesque fish and shellfish market on Cape!”

This is so true and one of our favorite places on Cape Cod!