This is one of our favorite picnic spots… at Coast Guard Beach overlooking Nauset Marsh. There are usually some birds around and lots of wildflowers blooming nearby. It doesn’t get much prettier! And… you’re only a short walk to the beach!
I always look for these tiny, little Canada Mayflowers this time of year as they only bloom in May and June. They are a small woodland plant with 4-petaled flowers clustered on stems like miniature bottle brushes. There are many of these by the boardwalk on the Red Maple Swamp Trail at Fort Hill.
The flowers are tiny… less than 1/4″ and the plant only grows from 3″-6″. Have you seen any Canada Mayflowers this year?
The clouds were absolutely gorgeous at Fort Hill yesterday morning. You could see the sun trying to break through between little bouts of rain as it reflected on the ocean way in the background.
It only lastly for a few minutes… and then it was gone.