Tag Archives: Cape Cod

Nauset Beach On Cape Cod Before The Crowds Arrive

Nauset Beach in Orleans on Cape Cod is gorgeous anytime of the day or anytime of the year. I love it in the early morning before all the crowds come. You have the whole beach to yourself… for a while anyway.

Nauset Beach is part of the Cape Cod National Seashore and one to put on your Bucket List when you’re on Cape Cod!


The Queen Anne’s Lace Wildflowers Are Gorgeous At Fort Hill On Cape Cod

There are fields and fields of Queen Anne’s Lace wildflowers at Fort Hill in Eastham on Cape cod. I have never seen so many there before.

Phil took this photograph of me as I was clicking away. Such a gorgeous day!  And the wildflowers were spectacular!

White Campion Wildflower At Fort Hill On Cape Cod

The White Campion wildflowers are blooming all over Fort Hill in Eastham on Cape Cod. They have a whitish to pinkish flower that opens at night and on overcast days. How interesting…

The 5 petals, which are 1 to 1 1/2″,  are so deeply notched that they look like 10 petals. White Campions bloom from June through August so you can still find them on roadsides , fields and open areas.