Tag Archives: Cape Cod

Little Wood Satyr Butterfly At Fort Hill On Cape Cod

I saw this Little Wood Satyr butterfly  at Fort Hill on Cape Cod. I had never seen one before. It was right off the trail leading out to Cutting Rock.

The Little Wood Satyr is light brown in color with two yellow-rimmed black eyespots on both sides of its forewings.  The hindwing has two spots.  The Little Wood Satyr prefers habitat that is open, contains deciduous trees along with marshy areas.

Have you ever seen a Little Wood Satyr?


Crowded, Windy Day At Coast Guard Beach On Cape Cod

Yesterday was my favorite kind of day at the beach… windy and cloudy with big, roaring waves! It was a glorious day at Coast Guard Beach, part of the National Seashore, in Eastham.

So I went for a long walk on the beach. It was crowded with vacationers all with their hoodies on as they sat and enjoyed  the beach and everything that it offers. A few people even ventured into the water which was a cool 62 degrees.

I guess people who are here on vacation love the beach in any weather and will spend the whole day there, even all bundled up!

Spotted Wintergreen Wildflowers At Our Home On Cape Cod

We have a lot of Spotted Wintergreen wildflowers growing right near our home here on Cape Cod. They are such an interesting wildflower.

You can see in the second photograph the little bud on the left and the flower starting to bloom on the right. When it is fully bloomed, it flips over and you can see the delicate little flower as it faces the sun.

The Spotted Wintergreen is native and its flower is small, only about 1″ which grows in July and August.  Native Americans used its leaf tea to treat rheumatism and stomach problems, and crushed leaves were applied as a poultice to sores and wounds. Spotted Wintergreen is considered rare in New England.

Eastern Kingbird At Our Bird Bath On Cape Cod

What a treat it was to see this Eastern Kingbird at our bird bath her on Cape Cod. We saw our first eastern Kingbird about a month ago at the Wellfleet Bay Wildlife Sanctuary. We had never seen one before.

So now to see one in our own backyard is really cool!

The Eastern Kingbird is often seen perched on a treetop waiting to catch an insect in mid-air.  They also pick food items off the ground, especially in cooler weather when many insects don’t fly.

The Yuccas Are Blooming And Hardy Here On Cape Cod

The Yuccas are absolutely stunning this year on Cape Cod. I wonder if it’s because of all the moisture that we’ve had.

I saw this “pastoral scene” with the luscious Yuccas on one of my early morning bike rides around to the different beaches. It’s amazing what you can see when you’re not worried about traffic and pedestrians.

I edited it in 2 different ways. Which one do you like better?

The Yuccas seem to grow quite well on Cape Cod due to the sandy soil and the amount of rain that Cape Cod receives during the growing months.