Tag Archives: Cape Cod

Orange And Black Pearl Crescent Butterfly On Cape Cod

I’ve seen several of these Pearl Crescent butterflies along the trails here on Cape Cod. They are orange above with black borders and spots. The male is a brighter orange while the female is a paler brown with silvery areas. I think this one must be a female as it looks very silvery in areas.

I’ve seen them on wildflowers or just on the trail itself. Have you ever seen a Pearl Crescent?

Green Heron At The Wellfleet Bay Wildlife Sanctuary On Cape Cod

We were so lucky to see this Green Heron at the Wellfleet Bay Wildlife Sanctuary. Sometimes they are pretty elusive. This Green Heron was fishing at the salt marsh where we watched him for a bit. And then he fly away!

As we hiked out to the beach, one of the naturalists had a spotting scope set up looking up high in a tree next to the trail. Up there was a Green Heron’s nest. It was quite large. I wonder if it was the one we saw by the salt marsh?


Colorful Ruddy Turnstone At The Wellfleet Bay Wildlife Sanctuary On Cape Cod

I’ve wanted to see a Ruddy Turnstone for years, but have not seen one in about 15 years. We hiked out to the beach at the Wellfleet Bay Wildlife Sanctuary last week there were dozens of them scurrying about on the sand flats. What a treat!

I just love their coloring! Gorgeous bird, don’t you think?