Tag Archives: Cape Cod

Beautiful Little White Starflowers At Wiley Park On Cape Cod

The little white Starflowers are so pretty at Wiley Parkin Eastham on Cape Cod. You can see them on the side of the trail, usually under a pine tree in the shade.

They are delicate little flowers ( 1/2 to 3/4″) which grow with one or two flowers on the stem. Each flower has 5-9 pointed petals and 7 long yellow stamens.

They bloom in May and June so you can still get out and see them. Have you ever seen a Starflower?

Accordion Player On Commercial Street In Provincetown On Cape Cod

Phil and I were sauntering down Commercial Street, which is the main downtown street in Provincetown, when we happened on this musician playing the accordion  on the side of the road. His music was just beautiful. We stood there for a while listening to him.

The two men sitting on the bench were obviously enjoying this entertainment too. You never know what awaits you when you visit Provincetown on Cape Cod!


The Baby Red-Tailed Hawk Has Fledged In Our Yard On Cape Cod!

When I walked outside on Saturday there was such a racket I had to go in the backyard and see what all of the birds were squawking about! The Baltimore Orioles, Robins, Chickadees, Catbirds and Blue Jays were yelling and screaming and dive-bombing something. When I looked up I saw that it was the baby Red-Tailed Hawk! Wow! He was out of his nest!

He was oblivious to it all as he sat on the branch for at least an hour. I clicked away. And then he made this gesture like he was going to go out for some prey… thus my first photograph.

He flew across the yard and went crashing to the ground. I thought he was hurt, but no, I think he was practicing. He got up and went skulking around the trees like there was a rabbit or chipmunk under it. Too funny.

He did this for a bit and then flew back up into another tree. I wonder if his mother praised him for his good practicing? Sometimes there is just too much drama in our backyard. 🙂 Love it!!