Tag Archives: Cape Cod

High Tide At Boat Meadow On Cape Cod

The high tides have been extremely high the past few days with warnings for coastal flooding. I was walking by the salt marsh by Boat Meadow this past weekend at high tide. It was just spectacular!

The tides were so high you couldn’t even see the salt marsh, just the blue boxes submerged in water.

Pretty, don’t you think? What a gorgeous sky!

Pretty White Mouse-Ear Chickweed Wildflower At Fort Hill On Cape Cod

I saw this tiny, little white Mouse-Ear Chickweed wildflower along the trail while hiking at at Fort Hill in Eastham on Cape Cod. It looks the same as the Mouse-Ear Chickweed in Colorado.

The plant grows to about 6-12″ with 1/2 inch flowers from May to September. I especially like the little white ring of pistils in the center. So pretty and delicate.

Have you ever seen a Mouse-Ear Chickweed wildflower?


Hairy Woodpecker On Our Suet Here On Cape Cod

We have four different woodpeckers that have been enjoying our suet here on Cape Cod. This photograph is one a Hairy Woodpecker, very similar to the Downy Woodpecker but much larger. We also have Red-Bellied Woodpeckers and Northern Flickers.

I love how they grab on to the bottom of the suet and can peck away. This is perfect so the other birds, such as the Starlings, cannot eat it all!

Baltimore Orioles Building Their Intricate Nests On Cape Cod

It has been so much fun watching the colorful Baltimore Orioles building their nests here on Cape Cod. Their nests are a woven, hanging nest so they need materials which they can weave.

We bought a roll of Sisal Packing Twine and cut it into little pieces, anywhere from 4″ to 8″ long. This is the kind of twine that you can unravel and it makes lots of smaller pieces of twine which the birds love.

This is a photograph of one of the Baltimore Orioles with his beak full of Sisal Twine, ready to fly to his nest. We saw one little Chickadee with his beak so full that he had a hard time getting off of the ground! So cute! And so much fun to watch. We put a new stash of twine out on the ground each morning just in case…

We bought 3 new bird houses about 3 weeks ago which are all now inhabited by little Chickadees. Boy, they didn’t take long! And a pair of Robins have built a nest in one of the Evergreen trees that we just planted about 2 weeks ago.

Never a dull moment in our backyard! Lots of little baby chicks to look forward to!

(We can already hear the baby Red-Tailed Hawk crying high up in the pine tree behind our house. )