Tag Archives: Cape Cod Blog

Gorgeous Female Cardinal At My Feeder On Cape Cod

The Cardinal is one of my favorite backyard birds. We always call them “Red” and “Birdie” as they mate for life and we always see them together. Sometimes “Red” will feed “Birdie” a seed. It is so endearing to watch.

This female Cardinal landed on the pole of my bird feeder. Gorgeous bird, don’t you think?

Poisonous White Destroying Angel Mushroom Here On Cape Cod

There are so many mushrooms growing here on Cape Cod this time of year. This large, white Destroying Angel mushroom is part of the Amanita family and is also very poisonous. It grows to about 6″ tall and is entirely white. Its cap is umbrella shaped with ragged edges.


I saw so many of these mushroom at Wiley Park in Eastham but most of them had been knocked over. Did they fall by themselves? Did someone knock them over? Did a dog try to eat it?

Don’t go near them as they are deadly poisonous!

Stunned Goldfinch Hit My Picture Window Here On Cape Cod

I saw this stunned little Goldfinch sitting on my deck after he hit my picture window. I had been taking a photograph of a butterfly and when I went to look at it on my camera I saw this little fluff ball on the screen. It looked just like a baby chick at Eastertime. I looked out at the bench on the deck and there was a tiny, little Goldfinch all puffed out, not moving.


I watched as he sat there with his eyes closed. And, little by little, he opened his little eyes and looked around. After about 10 minutes he flew away. I was so glad that he could make it to the bench where he was safe and could warm up in the sun.

Seagull In Flight At Coast Guard Beach On Cape Cod

It was a beautiful day to take a walk on Coast Guard Beach in Eastham on Cape Cod, which was rated one of the top ten beaches in the USA this past summer.  And there were lots of Seagulls to photograph along the shore.

This particular Seagull took flight just as Phil clicked away. I loved seeing it in action!

What do you think?