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Hundreds Of Birds In The Water Of Nauset Beach In Orleans On Cape Cod

I was taking a glorious walk the other morning on Nauset Beach in Orleans on Cape Cod, enjoying just being out so early on a gorgeous day. It’s amazing the two distinct perspectives you get when you walk down the beach and then turn around and head back.

I did not even see these hundreds of birds in the water on my way down the beach, but on the way back…wow! They were everywhere. The sun was at an angle that i could not tell what type of seabird they were, other than black.

I loved the birds with the waves crashing in the foreground.

What do you think?

Laughing Gull At Nauset Marsh On Cape Cod

There is this one rock that emerges out of the water on Nauset Marsh when it is low tide and is usually occupied by a Seagull. This particular Laughing Gull was loving it as he stood there for a long time looking for lunch in the water below.

Laughing gulls are very distinctive with their black “hooded” heads and bright orange beaks. They got their name because when they call, they sound just like they are laughing!

You can see this one is starting to get his “winter plumage” of a black beak. His black hood will turn white during the winter months.

Have you ever seen a Laughing gull?