Tag Archives: Featured

Gorgeous Bright Orange Trumpet Creeper Wildflowers On Cape Cod

The Trumpet Creeper wildflowers are growing all over Cape Cod and are gorgeous!

trumpet creeper2

Trumpet Creeper is a woody vine with bright reddish orange tubular-shaped flowers which are about 2″. The plants climb up to 12 feet high and are native to this area. They bloom from July to September on banks, woods and roadsides.  You can see some gorgeous ones at the Fort Hill parking lot in Eastham.

A Huge Coyote In Our Backyard on Cape Cod

Just as we were going to sleep the other night our Motion Detector lights went on in the back yard. I thought it was probably the racoon that comes by periodically, hoping to raid the bird feeders. But I got up anyway, just to see what it was. And there…standing by the bird feeder was this huge coyote. It looked like a silhouette against the dark woods and the light in front. He was big and muscular and looked just like a wolf.

So I went online this morning to read about coyotes on Cape Cod and this is what I learned:

“It has been known for several years that the coyotes in the Cape Cod area have much in common with wolves. Mainly wolf DNA. Some coyotes in MA that have been tested have come up as 90% eastern wolf. I have received a number of reports where people claim to have seen large, wolf-like canines on Cape Cod.”

This certainly looks like what I saw. Wow!

(This is a photograph of a coyote that I took a few years ago  in Colorado as the one I saw here was gone before I could get my camera and get a good photograph.  But the one I saw here looked very similar.)


Wild Blackberries At Fort Hill On Cape Cod

Hiking at Fort Hill in Eastham on Cape Cod is such a treat. You never know what you will see and every time you go it is different. Different wildflowers, different butterflies, different birds, etc.

The other day I saw some wild Blackberries along the side of the trail.

Have you ever seen a wild Blackberry?

Eastern Kingbird At Fort Hill In Eastham On Cape Cod

I saw my first Eastern Kingbird at Fort Hill on Cape Cod the other day! I heard some rustling in the trees and thought it was a Cedar Waxwing. But, out flew this bird which I learned later was an Eastern Kingbird.

Eastern Kingbirds are about 8″ with slate colored wings and back, a white throat and underparts and a black head. Its tail is black with a white terminal band. My bird book says it perches on the  tips of trees near fields which is exactly where I saw it.

Have you ever seen an Eastern Kingbird?